Evening Classes for Kids
Traditionally, evening programs of this nature are designed to disseminate essential Islamic knowledge at a primary level, teaching children basic Islamic beliefs, practices, etiquettes, and values.
With a shared and continuous commitment from students, teachers, and parents, our aim is to create an environment that nurtures a deep spirit of faith, love, and excellence in the hearts of children – effectively allowing them to grow up with a greater sense of confidence as responsible, caring, upright Muslims, insha-Allah.
We are pleased to announce that Alqalam Islamic Community Center is endeavouring to re-establish regular evening classes for the children within our local community.
Insha-Allah, the classes will be under the care of our Imam, starting in the Fall, 2021.
Further information and other updates will be provided here shortly, bi ithnillah.
6pm – 7:15pm (timings subject to change)
Age Requirements:
Ages 7+
- Basic rules of Qur’ānic pronounciation and recitation (Tajwīd)
- Qur’ānic reading (Nāzira)
- Selected Qur’ānic memorization (Hifdh)
- Core beliefs (Aqā’id)
- Morals and manners (Akhlāq)
- Essential rules of worship (Fiqh)
- Prophetic prayers (Duā)
- Daily devotional remembrances (Adhkār)
…and more…

$25.00 per child, each month.
$25.00 one-time enrolment fee to cover the cost of textbooks for each child to be used throughout the year.