In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful:
Considering the current government restrictions in relation to COVID-19, please note the following:
So long as the mandated precautionary measures can be properly upheld, Alqalam Islamic Community Center will be OPEN for congregational prayers. Within the limits, all other programs, services, and activities are being maintained as much as is safely and practically possible, walhamdulillah.
*In addition to the aforementioned requirements, all visitors to the center are asked to uphold the following recommendations:
1. Please perform wudhū beforehand as the communal washroom and wudhū facilities are ideally not to be used, although they are available for those who need to use them.
2. Avoid hand-shaking and all other forms of unnecessary physical contact with others whilst on the premises.
3. If you wish to read the Qur’an, please bring a personal pocket-sized copy or use your phone. Do not touch any of the books on the bookshelves.
4. The center is open from 1:30pm until after Isha prayers.
5. If the center reaches maximum capacity at any given prayer time, the doors will be locked until the prayer is finished. Those who wish to wait outside are requested to avoid crowding the area, or disturbing others by tapping on the glass. If one finds the door open but the maximum capacity has already been reached, such an individual must leave immediately and is encouraged to wait outside if it is deemed safe to do so.
In addition to the above measures, please earnestly turn to Allah, increase in your supplications, seek forgiveness, recite the Qur’an, give charity, and busy yourself with other good deeds whilst avoiding sin.
We ask Allah to heal those who are sick, to protect those who are healthy, and to save us from all harm in these unprecedented times.
May Allah reward you for your patience, understanding, and continuous support. Ameen.
DISCLAIMER: Failure to comply with the above measures and additional directives by the authorities, our Imam, and volunteers may result in legal consequences and/or denied entry. While public safety is our highest priority, we can not guarantee anyone safety from COVID-19 or any other health-related issues. Alqalam Islamic Community Center shall not be held liable for any health complications arising from visiting our facility. Any congregant or visitor who wishes to attend does so at their own risk. If any visitor(s) to the center or community member(s) fails to act responsibly, the center may be forced to employ tighter restrictions or officially close to the general public.